This event will be held at Berean Baptist Church on Saturday, April 26th 2025. The deadline for entry is April 11th.
Registration fees are $30 for one event, & $40 for both.
Teachers will receive students’ individual performance times via email.

What is a Technithon?

A Technithon is a piano competition to inspire advancement in the entire spectrum of students’ fundamental technical skills.

Often simply called technique, these technical skills—basic scales, cadences, arpeggios, etc.—are often sadly neglected in piano studies. While a student may perform reasonably well with minimal attention to these forms, a mature pianist must be secure in technique. Indeed, many colleges and universities require mastery of such skills before they will award a diploma.

Berean Baptist Music Academy has designed this event to offer incentive for students to develop their technique. Students love to compete and experience advancement, and the Technithon offers just such a challenge. Each year, students will anticipate greater success as they exceed the previous years’ goals and perhaps win prizes for their achievements. All participants will improve their technique no matter where they start.

As an added bonus for piano teachers, students will recognize the importance of this vital area of study and no longer neglect it in practice.

How does the Technithon Work?

The Technithon evaluates each student at one of twelve levels, grouped into three sections. Each level requires technical security in three areas: scales, cadences, and arpeggios. Each increasing level offers a higher challenge. A chart outlining the requirements for each level can be found on page 4 of the downloadable instruction booklet above.

For their initial entry level, first-time participants may select to be judged at any level from 1 to 6. After successfully completing level 6, a student may choose—even on the same day—to pursue any of levels 7 through 9. Likewise, after success in level 9 one may continue on to any of levels 10 through 12.

At each level, judges will grade on the following technical skills:

  • Accuracy
  • Fingering
  • Evenness of tone
  • Hand position
  • Rise and fall in melodic direction
  • Proper pedaling when required (as in cadences)

In other words, technical security and a musical approach are both important. Winners will be selected for each level from among the participants who meet the minimum requirements. Each level will potentially have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner.

All who enter will receive a judge’s comments and a certificate of participation.

Once registered for the Technithon and/or Hymnfest, there are no refunds.

What is a Hymnfest?

Many who study piano eventually take part in the music ministries of their local churches. In the Hymnfest, Berean Baptist Music Academy offers an opportunity to further develop these needed skills particularly in the areas where solo playing is involved, i.e. offertories, preludes, etc.

In conjunction with the Technithon, students may opt to enter the Hymnfest and play two hymn arrangements from memory to receive a judge’s comments and a certificate commemorating his/her participation. Participants will be grouped into three divisions, based on their grade in school:

  • Division 1: Grades 1–5
  • Division 2: Grades 6–8
  • Division 3: Grades 9–12

In addition, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards will be given in each division. The 1st place winners in each division will be invited to play one of their winning selections in a special service the Sunday evening following the event at Berean Baptist Church.

Both events – especially the Hymnfest – will evolve yearly in the overall requirements.

Once registered for the Technithon and/or Hymnfest, there are no refunds.