1405 Hewatt Road SW
Lilburn, Georgia 30047

(770) 985-5318


We often say that "if you want to find the group that has the most fun at Berean- join the Prime Timers!" Designed to promote fellowship and ministry to and among the older believers in our church, we maintain an active and interesting calendar of activities that are enjoyed by folks of any age. A sample of those activities includes trips to Branson, MO, Savannah, a lunchtime cruise on a riverboat in Chattanooga, TN, a ride on the Smoky Mountain Railroad, and many more. In addition, we have a monthly lunch meeting and occasionally a carry-in dinner.

The Prime Timers at Berean are a welcoming and loving group and find great joy in being together at church, or wherever we may gather.

Purposes for the Prime Timers Ministry

Prime Timers will seek to engage with one another to learn of the needs, sorrows, and challenges of others for the purpose of giving encouragement.

Prime Timers will seek to encourage by coming alongside one another during times of loss, trial, illness, discouragement, or family sorrow.

Prime Timers will seek to pray for one another.

Prime Timers will seek to help, encourage, and strengthen one another to move forward in their Christian walk with the Lord.

Prime Timers will seek to exhort, with all longsuffering, one another in the Faith.

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